Day 5: Social Media

Social media is the biggest way to reach more people in your coaching business. For now, here is what we want to do on your social media page:

–> Launch your business. This is your coaching business’ Grand Opening month, so make sure people know you’re open for business! Post a picture of yourself announcing you’re a Team Beachbody Coach (or, if you prefer to be less “salesy” – just say online wellness coach) and what you do. Tag your coach in this “coming out” post if you haven’t already.

–> Share your journey. Regardless of your fitness level right now, share pictures of yourself after your workouts, some healthy recipes you’re going to try, or pictures of your Shakeology. Sharing your journey will not only increase awareness of you as a Coach, it will increase your followers and open up opportunities for conversations and help you connect with more people.  Remember, your post is just an introduction.  After that, it’s up to YOU to express caring and interest in others.

–> Try to post at least three times a day. Share things about your family and other elements of your life that will help others connect and relate with you and not just Beachbody. Include posts that provide value to your followers: recipe ideas, workout tips, and creative ways to manage your time, as that will engage people in positive ways and help you add more followers to expand the reach of your coaching business.

For additional tips on how to get the most out of your social media posts check in with this thread in our COACH BASICS TRAINING.

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